The Bluesman.: Priorsford Bridge[CEP4]-18-2788
The Bluesman.: The Castle
The Bluesman.: Priorsford Bridge-18-2363
The Bluesman.: Road Bridge and Lee Pen-18-2537
The Bluesman.: Autumn Colours-1037
The Bluesman.: Tweed Bridge B&W-17-2849
The Bluesman.: Priorsford Footbridge, Peebles-9052
The Bluesman.: Artist-6956
The Bluesman.: Tree by Tweed Bridge-18-0858
The Bluesman.: Priorsford Bridge Solar C3.80.92-4463-19-2
The Bluesman.: Swimming Pool through Road Bridge Arch-3800
The Bluesman.: Road Bridge and Hill-3408
The Bluesman.: Priorsford Bridge and Lee Pen-5139-1
The Bluesman.: Priorsford Bridge-17-0251
The Bluesman.: untitled-1843
The Bluesman.: Road Bridge-18-2369
The Bluesman.: Church in evening Sun-4805-17-2
The Bluesman.: Lee Pen over Road Bridge-0761-18-
The Bluesman.: Old Manor Brig-Built 1702-4425
The Bluesman.: Priorsford Footbridge-4303
The Bluesman.: Priorsford Footbridge-4772
The Bluesman.: Wee Bridge over Cuddy-4890
The Bluesman.: Lee Pen and Road Bridge-4273
The Bluesman.: Fotheringham Footbridge-2805-2
The Bluesman.: Bridge for Wheelchair Access to Parish Church-5060
The Bluesman.: River Tweed and Manor Bridge-5146
The Bluesman.: Almost there-5133
The Bluesman.: Three Cyclists-5134
The Bluesman.: Viaduct over River Tweed-5136
The Bluesman.: Tweed, Road Bridge and Lee Pen B&W-5512