Daveejay: Seagull's Nest
Daveejay: Rigging Sasha
Daveejay: Sasha's Furler
Daveejay: Setting the Stage
Daveejay: Korora Heads Out
Daveejay: Solitude
Daveejay: Witch's Wind Sock
Daveejay: Seagull Colony
Daveejay: Floating Cocktail Cabinets
Daveejay: Val-Marie
Daveejay: Chewin' the Fat
Daveejay: Dysfunctional Wind Indicator
Daveejay: Clear Water Below
Daveejay: Summit Meeting of the Navigators
Daveejay: Coffee Hit
Daveejay: Waiata
Daveejay: Tusk, Owen and Friend
Daveejay: Tusk Launching
Daveejay: They'll Never Forget this Day
Daveejay: Boat Ride with Austin Powers
Daveejay: Rotoiti Piper
Daveejay: Walnut
Daveejay: Gloss
Daveejay: Close Inspection
Daveejay: Elm Blocks
Daveejay: Thruster
Daveejay: Varnish
Daveejay: Grace and Erica (The boats, that is!)
Daveejay: Whispers
Daveejay: Upholstered Comfort