davelawrence8: Apple.com, circa 1983.
Katie Spence: 11 months old
DigitalCzech: Hand Built
maximolly: Cedric Price writes in his copy of Being Digital "good- but dated"
jayfish: Vintage Camera Nightlight - Ansco Cadet II w/flash
veen: Union Square Apple Store
David McCreath: Sooper Sekrit Web Strategy
sarasita: Count Down
DigitalCzech: Chinese Office
greta red: Starting a baby blanket project. #temptingfate
Shawn Allen: Holland in CMYK
gordasm: Qoffee
mikek: IMG_1304
DigitalCzech: GOODFELLA
gordasm: Sunday morning
mikek: IMG_1137
merlinmann: Mice?
rcarver: Dashiell
Laser Bread: Broccoli House
maximolly: I'm the right kind of twisted
gordasm: Lying there and staring at the ceiling...
boltron-: Teufelsberg
International Monetary Fund: G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh
rcarver: kisses
Courtney S: framed portrait
Erika Hall: You know, it's hard to write a good existentialist potty joke, but this is a pretty weird sign that probably speaks for itself.
Erika Hall: "Lazy bastard" is implied
fraying: TAKE RISKS