Dave Halley: Falcon (Copyright Dave Halley 2007)
Dave Halley: Moorhen (Gallinula) on Tree Branch (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Carrion Crow (Corvus Corone) Taking Flight (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Mallard Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos) Preening at River Thames Kingston (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Canada Geese (Branta Canadensis) by River Thames at Kingston (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Canada Goose (Branta Canadensis) Preening (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Feral Pigeons (Columba Livia) by River Thames at Kingston (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Signets at Pen Ponds Richmond Park (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Swans and signets at Pen Ponds Richmond Park 2 (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Swans and signets at Pen Ponds Richmond Park 1 (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Swan and signets at Pen Ponds Richmond Park 3 (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Barn Owl (Tyto alba) at Exmoor Falconry Centre (Copyright Dave Halley 2007)
Dave Halley: Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) at Exmoor Falconry Centre (Copyright Dave Halley 2007)
Dave Halley: Egyptian Goose at Richmond Park (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Moorhen (Gallinula) in Pond at Sutton Ecology Centre (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Carrion Crow (Corvus Corone) Taking Flight at Teddington Lock (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Magpie (Pica Pica) at Teddington Lock (Copyright Dave Halley 2008)
Dave Halley: Bird or Rabbit (?) Skull on Lundy Island (Copyright Dave Halley 2007)
Dave Halley: Mandarin Duck (Aix Galericulata) at Ham Pond 1 (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Mandarin Duck (Aix Galericulata) at Ham Pond 2 (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: North American Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) at Ham Pond 1 (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: North American Wood Duck (Aix sponsa) at Ham Pond 2 (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Ring-Necked Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Red Crested Pochard (Netta rufina) Duck (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Juvenile Red Crested Pochard (Netta rufina) Duck (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Egyptian Geese 1 (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Egyptian Geese 2 (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Three Egyptian Geese Goslings (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Swan and Signets 1 (Copyright Dave Halley 2009)
Dave Halley: Swan and Signets 2 (copyright Dave Halley 2009)