yattondave: 01 Base of Ben Nevis about to start
yattondave: 02 About to Start
yattondave: 04 Ben Nevis looking back to start
yattondave: 03 Ben Nevis - Lochan Meall an t-Suidhe
yattondave: 05 Ben Nevis
yattondave: 06 Rest on Ben Nevis
yattondave: 07 Looking back down Ben Nevis path
yattondave: 08 View back to Lochan Meall an t-Suidhe
yattondave: 09 Half way up Ben Nevis
yattondave: 10 Mark enjoying Ben Nevis
yattondave: 11 Fort William from Ben Nevis
yattondave: 12 Snow band and low cloud on summit of Ben Nevis
yattondave: 13 Chris Mountain Goat Weekes on upper slopes Ben Nevis
yattondave: 14 Mark not enjoying Ben Nevis
yattondave: 15 I made it Summit of Ben Nevis
yattondave: 16 Lower slope Scafell Pike towards Wast Water
yattondave: 17 View up path towards Scafell Pike
yattondave: 18 Wast Water
yattondave: 19 Steep Slope along Lingmell Beck
yattondave: 20 Styhead Tarn from Scafell Pike
yattondave: 21 Dave and Chris on summit of Scafell Pike
yattondave: 22 Chris and Mark on summit of Scafell Pike
yattondave: 23 Stoney summit of Scafell Pike
yattondave: 24 Sunnier view of Styhead Tarn
yattondave: 25 View back up towards Scafell Pike
yattondave: 26 About to tackle Snowdon from Pen y pass
yattondave: 27 Crib Goch and lower part of Pyg track
yattondave: 28 Llanberis Pass
yattondave: 29 Llyn Llydaw from Pig Trail
yattondave: 30 View along Pyg trail