dgray_xplane: The Connected Company
dgray_xplane: The company as a machine
dgray_xplane: Company as machine
dgray_xplane: Machines
dgray_xplane: The company as an organism
dgray_xplane: The company as an organism
dgray_xplane: Companies are like cities. They grow.
dgray_xplane: The environment makes a difference
dgray_xplane: Cogs vs cells
dgray_xplane: The need to rethink
dgray_xplane: The long-lived company
dgray_xplane: Long-lived companies
dgray_xplane: Design by division
dgray_xplane: The problem of scale
dgray_xplane: Time to re-org the org
dgray_xplane: Companies are made out of people
dgray_xplane: Design by connection
dgray_xplane: Cities have no planning commissions
dgray_xplane: Complex systems
dgray_xplane: Cities are complex systems
dgray_xplane: Design by division
dgray_xplane: Design for connection
dgray_xplane: The strategy machine
dgray_xplane: Companies are made out of people
dgray_xplane: Think at the level of the street
dgray_xplane: Start small
dgray_xplane: Spaces need owners
dgray_xplane: Every person needs a place
dgray_xplane: Jumping-off points
dgray_xplane: Understand the culture