David Ball.: Assassin Bug (Reduviidae). Sub family Harpactorinae. Pristhesancus sp.
David Ball.: Shot through the heart......
David Ball.: Shot through the heart.....
David Ball.: One more
David Ball.: Reduviidae nymph.
David Ball.: Reduviidae nymph.
David Ball.: Reduviidae. Schottus sp.
David Ball.: Reduviidae nymph. Schottus sp. Ectrichodiinae. ~10mm
David Ball.: Reduviidae nymph. Staliastes sp.
David Ball.: Reduviidae. Physoderes sp.
David Ball.: Reduviidae. (View large). Physoderes sp.
David Ball.: Reduviidae. 10mm
David Ball.: Reduviidae. 10mm
David Ball.: Reduviidae nymph.