David Ball.: DSC_4086
David Ball.: Children on stilts
David Ball.: DSC_4096
David Ball.: Wells Fargo Bank
David Ball.: DSC_4101
David Ball.: DSC_4102
David Ball.: Downtown Denver
David Ball.: DSC_4106
David Ball.: DSC_4107
David Ball.: Checkmate!
David Ball.: Bicycle Police Denver
David Ball.: 16th Street Piano
David Ball.: DSC_4116
David Ball.: DSC_4118
David Ball.: DSC_4121
David Ball.: Residential Apartments
David Ball.: DSC_4133
David Ball.: DSC_4134
David Ball.: Church of the Good Shepherd
David Ball.: DSC_4148
David Ball.: DSC_4149
David Ball.: DSC_4150
David Ball.: DSC_4152
David Ball.: Denver skyline at dusk
David Ball.: Denver Skyline