davedahl: DSC_0317
davedahl: DSC_0319
davedahl: Sima fishing.
davedahl: Emma fishing.
davedahl: Captian Dad
davedahl: Sima's amazing catch!
davedahl: Actually she did get some nice fish.
davedahl: View from the Larson cabin.
davedahl: Another view from Larson cabin.
davedahl: Dad, Jeff, and Sima at the Larson cabin.
davedahl: Mom and Caroline at the Larson cabin.
davedahl: Joanna and Tommy
davedahl: Sima and me.
davedahl: DSC_0323
davedahl: DSC_0326
davedahl: DSC_0321
davedahl: DSC_0330
davedahl: Baudette, MN - big walleye.
davedahl: Sunset at Rocky Point.
davedahl: Zack starting the fireworks.
davedahl: Fireworks
davedahl: Serious fireworks behind a blast-shield.
davedahl: Normandy beach - no, wait, Rocky Point beach.
davedahl: On tarmac in Bamidji heading home to Chicago.