davecobb: My bestie Ray turned 50 -- and for his birthday, created a gallery retrospective show of his work #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: Ray's MIB attraction posters on display at #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: Ray sent 50 blank "RayDoh" versions of himself to his friends to decorate for #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: 3 of 50 artistic "RayDoh" interpretations of Ray Kampf for #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: 3 more of 50 artistic "RayDoh" interpretations of Ray Kampf for #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: 3 more of 50 artistic "RayDoh" interpretations of Ray Kampf for #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: Me & Jason's "RayDoh" on a paintbrush crucifix, with apologies to Andres Serrano #PissKampf #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: Ray's wedding present to me and Jason, on loan to the #50yearsofkampf exhibit
davecobb: #50yearsofkampf
davecobb: Congratulations and Happy 50th Birthday, Ray! #50yearsofkampf