DaveGray: Cosmo
DaveGray: Cosmo daydreaming in his contemplation box
DaveGray: Cosmo at the border
DaveGray: Cosmo the Magnificent
DaveGray: Cosmo
DaveGray: Cosmo : 1 - Box : 0
DaveGray: Cosmo - if it's a box, it fits...
DaveGray: Cosmo - if it's a box, it fits...
DaveGray: Not sure about the self-appointed image editor
DaveGray: Cosmo
DaveGray: Cosmo
DaveGray: Cosmo
DaveGray: The morning after
DaveGray: Cosmo's contemplation box
DaveGray: Whose bed? - Nokia Lumia 1020
DaveGray: Cosmo & Kit - Bedtime ? Why? Nokia Lumia 1020
DaveGray: Cosmo
DaveGray: Cat porn - Cosmo posing - Nokia Lumia 1020
DaveGray: Cosmo New Toy
DaveGray: Cosmo New Toy
DaveGray: Target Locked...
DaveGray: I can wait...
DaveGray: Cosmo and Kit face it out
DaveGray: Cosmo - change of direction
DaveGray: Cosmo - concentration
DaveGray: Kit destroys Cosmo's cushion castle - Nokia Lumia 1020
DaveGray: Cosmo Sleeping
DaveGray: Why are you flashing ?
DaveGray: Cosmo - Havin a laugh :-)
DaveGray: Cosmo time for a wash - Nokia Lumia 1020