DaveGray: Grill over the entrance to Granada's Ayuntamiento courtyard
DaveGray: Rodriguez-Acosta Foundation, Garden of Bacchus
DaveGray: Graffiti Fish
DaveGray: Granada City Hall - Salón de plenos
DaveGray: Spanish Scarce Swallowtail ( Iphiclides feisthamelii )
DaveGray: Spanish Scarce Swallowtail ( Iphiclides feisthamelii )
DaveGray: Spanish Scarce Swallowtail ( Iphiclides feisthamelii )
DaveGray: Generalife Window View
DaveGray: Generalife Doorway View
DaveGray: Graffiti Cat
DaveGray: Graffiti
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Corinthian Columns
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Forest of Columns
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Star Window
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - High Altar and Chancel
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Pulpit
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Organs
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Dome interior
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Chancel Decoration
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Altar and Nave
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Capilla Mayor or Chancel
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Columns
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Pair of Organs
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Paintings on the Altar of St Bernard
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Organ
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - interior
DaveGray: Granada Cathedral - Central Nave
DaveGray: Archangel Michael
DaveGray: Rambla Bubble Man
DaveGray: Definitely not an apple orchard...