._Karl_.: Instruction16
Luke Austin: After the Storm
SPNC Admins: Instruction Y3 #02
Matt_Briston: SPNC YR3 #1
gottaloveit89: Something to do with shadows
eytl: 1914 Uluru
Luke Austin: location, location, location
Simon Da Cunha: "Color matters, but carefully"
themanfromicon: under the radar
Luke Austin: The Jump Off
themanfromicon: looking straight up
Ån†on: SPNC - Year 2 - Instruction # 15
Luke Austin: Without a minute to spare
Marc Russo (Australia): Busselton Jetty, Southwest Australia
Marc Russo (Australia): Busselton Jetty, Southwest Australia
Stereotron: Purple Rain :: Stereoscopic Cross View 3D ::
AndWhyNot: A Halo for an Angel
AndWhyNot: Southsea Rose Garden - stacked with StarStaX for Mac
AndWhyNot: From Afar
Alex Bamford: The last post
Alex Bamford: Pier struts
Padmacara: Magic!
._Karl_.: SPNP #33
jopaulwallace: #28 Go somewhere you haven't
Jon's Magic Lens: Star Trails
orvaratli: The Observer
Daniel Marchand: Instruction #21 SPNP - "Be aware of the way the camera compresses a three dimensional world into a two dimensional plane and use that to your advantage" - Nick Turpin
Monty May (OBSERVE): Sweet Relief
m_stella_n: Hidden smoker