dbarlow: Salvia horminum. Annual purple sage in Antalya, Turkey
dbarlow: Trifolium purpureum Purple clover. In Turkey
dbarlow: Verbascum blattaria. Moth Mullein
dbarlow: Capparis spinosa. Caper bush
dbarlow: Centaurea aegialophila
dbarlow: Campsis radicans. Trumpet vine
dbarlow: Phyla nodiflora, A plant from America which is naturalised around tropical parts of the world
dbarlow: Glycyrrhiza echinata. Eastern European liquorice
dbarlow: Bogbean
dbarlow: Bogbean flower
dbarlow: Phacelia tanacetifolia. Fiddleneck. Growing wild near Dorman's pool, Teesside
dbarlow: Common poppy
dbarlow: Dactylorhiza purpurella. Northern marsh orchids
dbarlow: Pinguicula vulgaris. Butterwort on the North York Moors near Whitby
dbarlow: Sundew (Drosera rotundifolia)
dbarlow: Eriophorum angustifolium Common cotton grass
dbarlow: Greater butterfly orchid (Platanthera chloramtha)
dbarlow: Helianthemum oelandicum Ssp. lavigatum. Hoary rock-rose. This is an endemic plant only found on Cronkley fell in upper Teesdale
dbarlow: Tofieldia pusilla Scottish asphodel at the only site in England where it grows.
dbarlow: Phegopteris connectilis Beech fern
dbarlow: Primula farinosa Birds-eye primrose A very late flower
dbarlow: Mountain pansy (Viola lutea)
dbarlow: Carex capillaris Hair sedge a rare plant in England. Cronkley fell, upper Teesdale
dbarlow: Polygala amarella. Dwarf milkwort. A rare plant in the U.K.
dbarlow: Thalictrum alpinum. Alpine meadow rue Cronkley fell, upper Teesdale
dbarlow: Hieracium sublasiophyllum at the only station in England at White force, Cronkley fell
dbarlow: Euphrasia scottica
dbarlow: Carex leporina Oval sedge
dbarlow: Pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis)
dbarlow: Fruits of the forest, Fragaria vesca, wild strawberry