Being Convinced: Finding perspective
Being Convinced: Winter in Seattle
Being Convinced: Sunbreak over Multnomah Falls
Being Convinced: Green moss in sunlight
Being Convinced: Delicate Arch
Being Convinced: The Gods must be crazy
Being Convinced: Curry's Fork
Being Convinced: Yakima River Valley 33/52
Being Convinced: And the sage grew tall
Being Convinced: Thunderhead over Roza Creek
Being Convinced: Mount Baring near sunset 36/52
Being Convinced: Golden leaf carpet 46/52
Being Convinced: Stillness is the language God speaks
Being Convinced: Seattle Double Rainbow Panorama 48/52
Being Convinced: Dreams of powder and sun
Being Convinced: “You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”
Being Convinced: Hold the sadness of life in your heart while never forgetting the beauty of the world and the goodness of being alive.
Being Convinced: Because endings are beginnings
Being Convinced: Upper Waikani falls
Being Convinced: "All that arises in your mind -- hate, love, and all the rest -- is not solid."
Being Convinced: Among the giants
Being Convinced: Umatilla Rock
Being Convinced: When the levee breaks mama you got to move
Being Convinced: "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."
Being Convinced: Once you cross over, you can never return.
Being Convinced: Enormous beauty
Being Convinced: A thin line between
Being Convinced: The sky explodes
Being Convinced: Let her burn until the embers rise like a phoenix