darquati: Limehouse Basin
darquati: Bird in the basin
darquati: Yachts
darquati: Grand Union Canal lock
darquati: Lock and block
darquati: Block and tunnel
darquati: Blocks and tunnel
darquati: Reverse tunnel
darquati: Danger Weir
darquati: Block and canal
darquati: Upside down block
darquati: Cash for Crap
darquati: From Limehouse to Canary Wharf
darquati: c2c railway bridge
darquati: Noisy bird
darquati: Preening
darquati: Coot or moorhen?
darquati: Towering
darquati: Mile End Park, canal basin
darquati: Every man and his dog (and bus stop)
darquati: Wharves, towers and trains
darquati: Adventure Park
darquati: Dangling
darquati: Yet another Wharf view
darquati: Burdett Road line up
darquati: Being watched
darquati: Cycle path
darquati: Playing the stick
darquati: Approaching Mile End
darquati: Guardian Angels church, Mile End