Outrageous Images:
Dream on - Jim Bishop's Castle in the woods
Outrageous Images:
"Children, thar be straaaange places in these woods"
Outrageous Images:
looking up the tower wall
Outrageous Images:
the high tower
Outrageous Images:
when the sun shines in
Outrageous Images:
morning sun in the greatroom
Outrageous Images:
What light through yon window breaks?
Outrageous Images:
It is all in how you bend the metal and stack the rocks
Outrageous Images:
Outrageous Images:
way back among the evergreens
Outrageous Images:
Trouble in Paradise
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Runes on the stairway?
Outrageous Images:
written in darkness
Outrageous Images:
Twisted metal, stone, glass and light
Outrageous Images:
he hung it on a wall
Outrageous Images:
a sign