Outrageous Images: weather worn
Outrageous Images: bare wood & wire
Outrageous Images: river bend shack
Outrageous Images: Looking down Red Canyon at the Grand Valley
Outrageous Images: parked in the tow away zone
Outrageous Images: Sooooo Busted!
Outrageous Images: Class of 09
Outrageous Images: A legendary senior prank
Outrageous Images: Go Wildcats!
Outrageous Images: green bridge below the Roan
Outrageous Images: Distant fire
Outrageous Images: out for a morning climb
Outrageous Images: four bucks in a truck
Outrageous Images: everchanging and evergreen
Outrageous Images: Doin' the Denver Dash
Outrageous Images: "Mooo Baby it's cold outside"
Outrageous Images: winter weeds
Outrageous Images: Desolation
Outrageous Images: the gateway
Outrageous Images: headed on up
Outrageous Images: forward march!
Outrageous Images: walk this way.........
Outrageous Images: out the window
Outrageous Images: leaf and a splash
Outrageous Images: reflections in a waterdrop
Outrageous Images: in our wild place
Outrageous Images: pushing the limits of sunlight through a dew drop
Outrageous Images: You have to take life's rainbows where you find them