Outrageous Images: below the caprock
Outrageous Images: flowers for dessert
Outrageous Images: On Little Park Road
Outrageous Images: down Little Park Road
Outrageous Images: down a country road
Outrageous Images: busiest corner in Glade Park
Outrageous Images: healthy eats
Outrageous Images: Old ranch house at Glade Park, Co.
Outrageous Images: Glade Park below
Outrageous Images: Good morning
Outrageous Images: Colorado red dirt road
Outrageous Images: Bear Country
Outrageous Images: in the woods
Outrageous Images: Cold, clear water from Mud Spring
Outrageous Images: wild mountain rose & aspen
Outrageous Images: Chuck says this is a Smooth Blue Aster
Outrageous Images: It is an Iris
Outrageous Images: penstemon blossoms
Outrageous Images: Colorado plateau in July
Outrageous Images: blue blossoms and rain drops
Outrageous Images: in the aspen stand
Outrageous Images: in the garden
Outrageous Images: High country tagging
Outrageous Images: Peek-a-Boo Too
Outrageous Images: Peek-a-Boo
Outrageous Images: August in the Aspen Grove 5
Outrageous Images: Watch out for that tree!
Outrageous Images: well traveled
Outrageous Images: a death in the forest