dave p brecks: Dad the ground's on fire.
dave p brecks: Dandelion.
dave p brecks: Bet he'll have trouble getting back up.
dave p brecks: Sophie dozing in the sun.
dave p brecks: Red Dead Nettle.
dave p brecks: Narscissus
dave p brecks: Ha he can't see me now.
dave p brecks: Pond even fuller.Pano.
dave p brecks: Good crop.
dave p brecks: Just playing arond with settings.
dave p brecks: Spring is coming.
dave p brecks: You want it come and get it. Not much left now.
dave p brecks: Couldn't get it away from the monster.
dave p brecks: I love it when it's windy.
dave p brecks: Look what I found.
dave p brecks: What can I do next? Better large.
dave p brecks: Hairy Bitter-Cress. Plus insect.Best large.
dave p brecks: More Frogspawn.
dave p brecks: Hairy Bitter-Cress. Try large.
dave p brecks: Night time visitor
dave p brecks: Broom flower. 71/366
dave p brecks: Hawthorn new growth.
dave p brecks: Hey Dad me fur's blowing away. Try large. 72/366
dave p brecks: Hyacinth.
dave p brecks: Just grass.
dave p brecks: You think you can get it,I bet you can't.
dave p brecks: Guess a detour is needed.
dave p brecks: Hard hat needed. Don't think it would help a lot.
dave p brecks: Herb Robert. Try large.
dave p brecks: What's next on my list for today?