dave p brecks: Lynford Lakes.Explored late.
dave p brecks: Lynford Lakes.
dave p brecks: Lynford Lakes.
dave p brecks: Lynford Lakes.
dave p brecks: Not a clue what they are looking at.
dave p brecks: Blue sky and Bracken.
dave p brecks: Standing tall.
dave p brecks: Gateway to the sun.
dave p brecks: Grass waves.
dave p brecks: Parasol fungi.1 of 2.
dave p brecks: Lynford Water.
dave p brecks: Spotlight on Buster.
dave p brecks: Just out for a Sunday crawl.
dave p brecks: Shaggy Inkcap.
dave p brecks: I'll move when you grow up.
dave p brecks: Caddisfly plus raindrops.
dave p brecks: Oak Bush-cricket.
dave p brecks: Sheltering from the rain.
dave p brecks: Let there be light.
dave p brecks: Shaggy Inkcaps.
dave p brecks: Two dogs staring.
dave p brecks: Autumn and dog.
dave p brecks: October Hover.
dave p brecks: Autumn light and two dogs.
dave p brecks: Autumn morning
dave p brecks: Suppose he'll catch up sometime.
dave p brecks: Two for one.
dave p brecks: Vipers Bugloss.
dave p brecks: Feathery Moss.
dave p brecks: Ominous