dave p brecks:
Banded snail,i love rain.
dave p brecks:
Brown lipped snail.
dave p brecks:
Just a snail.
dave p brecks:
Strawberry snail.This looks steep.
dave p brecks:
Great Black Slug.Arion(arion)ater.
dave p brecks:
Great Black Slug.(Arion (arion)ater.
dave p brecks:
Banded snail.
dave p brecks:
What goes up.
dave p brecks:
Just for a change nice fat slug.
dave p brecks:
dave p brecks:
Just a Snail.
dave p brecks:
White lipped snail.
dave p brecks:
Brown-lipped snails
dave p brecks:
Durham slug.Arion(arion)flaellus.
dave p brecks:
Dusky slug.Arion (mesarion)subfuscus.
dave p brecks:
Just a big black slug.
dave p brecks:
Banded Snail.
dave p brecks:
Just a tiny snail.
dave p brecks:
Leopard Slug.
dave p brecks:
Two for one.
dave p brecks:
Banded snail sun bathing.
dave p brecks:
dave p brecks:
Just going round in circles.
dave p brecks:
Sam the slug.
dave p brecks:
Little and not so little.
dave p brecks:
An alternative view of a snail.
dave p brecks:
Snail plus.
dave p brecks:
Do not disturb.
dave p brecks:
Banded snail.
dave p brecks:
Found lurking in porch just to get on Flickr.