Dave Moodle Dad:
Verity and her Euro nails
Dave Moodle Dad:
Close up of euro nails
Dave Moodle Dad:
Evelyn and the bags
Dave Moodle Dad:
and beyond...
Dave Moodle Dad:
Arrival at Euston
Dave Moodle Dad:
Our train
Dave Moodle Dad:
Evelyn and I by the train
Dave Moodle Dad:
At the British Library
Dave Moodle Dad:
At the British Library
Dave Moodle Dad:
At the British Library
Dave Moodle Dad:
At the British Library
Dave Moodle Dad:
St Pancras
Dave Moodle Dad:
Eurostar banner
Dave Moodle Dad:
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
Roof of St Pancras
Dave Moodle Dad:
Verity's Betjeman Ale
Dave Moodle Dad:
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
The Meeting Place
Dave Moodle Dad:
Playing free ping pong
Dave Moodle Dad:
Pretty Architecture
Dave Moodle Dad:
John Betjeman Sculpture
Dave Moodle Dad:
John Betjeman Sculpture