Dave 2x: Sophie and the Croc
Dave 2x: Shovelnose Ray
Dave 2x: Brown Stingray
Dave 2x: Tiger Shark
Dave 2x: Amberjack
Dave 2x: Amberjack
Dave 2x: Sergeant Baker
Dave 2x: Mack Tuna
Dave 2x: Barramundi
Dave 2x: Golden Trevally
Dave 2x: Flathead
Dave 2x: Smallmouth Bass
Dave 2x: Snapper
Dave 2x: Smallmouth Bass
Dave 2x: Estuarine Crocodile
Dave 2x: Giant Squid
Dave 2x: Australian Water Dragon
Dave 2x: Australian Water Dragon
Dave 2x: Black Marlin, Sunshine Coast, Australia
Dave 2x: Shovelnose Ray, Brisbane, Australia
Dave 2x: Green Pygmy-Goose (Nettapus pulchellus)
Dave 2x: Varied Triller (Lalage leucomela)
Dave 2x: Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius)
Dave 2x: Large-billed Gerygone (Gerygone magnirostris)
Dave 2x: Double-eyed Fig-Parrot (Cyclopsitta diophthalma)
Dave 2x: Radjah Shelduck (Tadorna radjah rufitergum)
Dave 2x: Metallic Starling (Aplonis metallica)
Dave 2x: Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis)
Dave 2x: Dingo (Canis familiaris)
Dave 2x: Mangrove Robin (Peneoenanthe pulverulenta)