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Grosbeaks, Cardinals and allies (Cardinalidae) by Dave 2x
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Dave 2x
Northern Cardinal
Dave 2x
Northern Cardinal
Dave 2x
Painted Bunting
Dave 2x
Northern Cardinal
Dave 2x
Indigo Bunting
Dave 2x
Scarlet Tanager
Dave 2x
Northern Cardinal
Dave 2x
Summer Tanager
Dave 2x
Painted Bunting
Dave 2x
Indigo Bunting
Dave 2x
Rose-throated Tanager (Piranga roseogularis tincta)
Dave 2x
Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina)
Dave 2x
Painted Bunting
Dave 2x
Blue Grosbeak (Passerina caerulea)
Dave 2x
Indigo Bunting
Dave 2x
(Highland) Hepatic Tanager (Piranga hepatica)
Dave 2x
Painted Bunting
Dave 2x
Red-throated Ant-tanager
Dave 2x
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus)
Dave 2x
Northern Cardinal
Dave 2x
Scarlet Tanager
Dave 2x
Northern Cardinal
Dave 2x
Blue Grosbeak
Dave 2x
Red-throated Ant-tanager (Habia fuscicauda)
Dave 2x
Painted Bunting
Dave 2x
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Dave 2x
Painted Bunting
Dave 2x
(Highland) Hepatic Tanager
Dave 2x
Painted Buntings
Dave 2x
Painted Buntings
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