Dave 2x: Cuban Emerald Hummingbird
Dave 2x: Cuban Pygmy Owl
Dave 2x: Cuban Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium siju)
Dave 2x: Yellow-faced Grassquit
Dave 2x: Yellow-headed Warbler (Teretistris fernandinae)
Dave 2x: Yellow-headed Warbler
Dave 2x: Loggerhead Kingbird
Dave 2x: Cuban Vireo
Dave 2x: Cuban Vireo (Vireo gundlachii)
Dave 2x: Cuban Vireo
Dave 2x: Red-legged Thrush
Dave 2x: Greater Antillean Grackle (Quiscalus niger caribaeus)
Dave 2x: Cuban Grassquit
Dave 2x: Cuban Oriole
Dave 2x: American Kestrel (Dark Morph) (Falco sparverius sparveroides) with Lizard
Dave 2x: American Kestrel (Falco sparverius sparveroides) (Dark Morph) with Lizard
Dave 2x: Yellow-faced Grassquit
Dave 2x: Cuban Cow
Dave 2x: Smooth-billed Ani
Dave 2x: Smooth-billed Ani
Dave 2x: Loggerhead Kingbird
Dave 2x: Loggerhead Kingbird
Dave 2x: Western Spindalis
Dave 2x: Cuban Bullfinch (Melopyrrha nigra)
Dave 2x: Western Spindalis
Dave 2x: Black-whiskered Vireo
Dave 2x: Western Spindalis
Dave 2x: Early Morning Street Scene
Dave 2x: Great Lizard Cuckoo
Dave 2x: La Sagra's Flycatcher