Dave Cappleman: Hard Work!
Dave Cappleman: From below.
Dave Cappleman: Day Dream.
Dave Cappleman: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary [Boloria selene].
Dave Cappleman: Common Blue [Polyommatus icarus].
Dave Cappleman: Duke of Burgundy pair.
Dave Cappleman: Azure Couple.
Dave Cappleman: Simple Pleasures.
Dave Cappleman: Preening Kittiwake.
Dave Cappleman: First of the few.
Dave Cappleman: Dancers.
Dave Cappleman: Fidelity.
Dave Cappleman: An Eye for Decor!
Dave Cappleman: Touching.
Dave Cappleman: Tug of War!
Dave Cappleman: Red Grouse female.
Dave Cappleman: Red Grouse [Lagopus lagopus].
Dave Cappleman: Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria).
Dave Cappleman: Green Plover [Vanellus vanellus]
Dave Cappleman: Curlew [Numenius arquata].
Dave Cappleman: Four Spotted Chaser [Libellula quadrimaculata]
Dave Cappleman: Green Hairstreak [Callophrys rubi ]
Dave Cappleman: Green-veined White.
Dave Cappleman: Float like a Butterfly...
Dave Cappleman: Male Orange Tip.
Dave Cappleman: Dew Drops.
Dave Cappleman: Fighting my instincts!
Dave Cappleman: Rights of Spring.