Dave Cappleman: Eye to Eye [in Explore].
Dave Cappleman: Common Darter.
Dave Cappleman: Blood Red
Dave Cappleman: Common Hawker pair.
Dave Cappleman: Imperative 2023 (in Explore)
Dave Cappleman: Four-spotted Chaser. [in Explore]
Dave Cappleman: Emperor Dragonfly.
Dave Cappleman: King of the Pond!
Dave Cappleman: Golden-ringed Dragonfly.
Dave Cappleman: Statuesque
Dave Cappleman: Seeing both sides.
Dave Cappleman: Beautiful and Perfect.
Dave Cappleman: Emperor.
Dave Cappleman: Four spotted Chaser
Dave Cappleman: Ruddy Darter (Sympetrum sanguineum)
Dave Cappleman: Golden ringed Dragonfly [Cordulegaster boltonii].
Dave Cappleman: Keeled Skimmer [Orthetrum coerulescens].
Dave Cappleman: New Kid In Town.
Dave Cappleman: A Late Start.
Dave Cappleman: Southern Hawker [Aeshna cyanea]
Dave Cappleman: Keeled Skimmer mating pair.
Dave Cappleman: Female Orthetrum coerulescens [Keeled Skimmer].
Dave Cappleman: Libellula depressa.
Dave Cappleman: Black tailed Skimmer mating pair.
Dave Cappleman: Another try.
Dave Cappleman: Four- spotted Chaser [Libellula quadrimaculata].
Dave Cappleman: Golden-ringed Dragonfly [Cordulegaster boltonii].
Dave Cappleman: Keeled Skimmer [Orthetrum coerulescens].