Dave77459: Danny shovel sledding
Dave77459: O'Hare
Dave77459: Winging our way
Dave77459: All sorts of fun in the snow
Dave77459: Meet Dave77459, The Richest Man in Town
Dave77459: Merry Christmas!
Dave77459: Time for tea!
Dave77459: Skating!
Dave77459: United Sucks
Dave77459: Is she a brainiac or a goofball?
Dave77459: My brother's church
Dave77459: A wee computer
Dave77459: The results of a crash vary
Dave77459: Whizzing past!
Dave77459: Pobre Saracita!
Dave77459: Notice a resemblance?
Dave77459: The Three Kings (and MSU)
Dave77459: This is in response to those who thought Sara looked brainy
Dave77459: Hey! You lookin' at my butt?!
Dave77459: Avion Pop Quiz 1
Dave77459: Avion Pop Quiz 2
Dave77459: Avion Pop Quiz 3
Dave77459: Avion Pop Quiz 4
Dave77459: Avion Pop Quiz 5
Dave77459: I don't know what this cutie is, but the snow and bokey adds to the beauty
Dave77459: Some genes are not passed along, obviously
Dave77459: Sara in Michigan
Dave77459: Sara sledding
Dave77459: This is when Danny hurt his tailbone
Dave77459: Wheeee!