Dave77459: Day 21 - Engaging
Dave77459: Christmas Party - 1
Dave77459: Day 11 - Morning Coffee
Dave77459: Day 10 - Weigh-in
Dave77459: Jamie
Dave77459: Day 4 - Thankful
Dave77459: Shadow
Dave77459: Typical
Dave77459: Day 39 wannabe
Dave77459: Day 47 - Home from reffing
Dave77459: Day 48 - Me, looking at me, looking at me, with them in the background
Dave77459: Day 85 - Will Flickr For Food
Dave77459: Day 104 - C is for Computer
Dave77459: Day 121 - Happy Spring!
Dave77459: I is for IKEA
Dave77459: Day 251 - Sexy Red
Dave77459: Day 215 - It's Friday, so put your feet up!
Dave77459: Day 212 - Note to self: contacts
Dave77459: Native
Dave77459: Day 304 - Avast! Argh!
Dave77459: Day 305 - Counting Coins
Dave77459: Day 305 reject
Dave77459: My fave sunrise shot
Dave77459: Day 346 - After the ghoul attack
Dave77459: Like a Shadow
Dave77459: Mixed messages
Dave77459: So Damn Pretty
Dave77459: Day 352 - Board Games
Dave77459: Pigeon