Dave_Lord: Day 270/365 -- Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - fire
Dave_Lord: Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - Web
Dave_Lord: Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - balls
Dave_Lord: Day 271/365 -- Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - World
Dave_Lord: Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - Game2
Dave_Lord: Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - Game
Dave_Lord: Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - Crayons
Dave_Lord: Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - Coffee
Dave_Lord: Day 272/365 -- Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - Forks
Dave_Lord: Day 273/365 -- Week 1 assignment photoclass - the familiar - Blacklight