Xander Dav:
▓▒..Remember home :D..▒▓
Xander Dav:
Xander Dav:
▓▒..When you have to go, you have to go :D, don't hesitate, go for it!..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..give it time but don't waste your time..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..Drop The Pressure..▒▓
Xander Dav:
Xander Dav:
Xander Dav:
▓▒..in battle mode for new adventures..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..Tell me..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..lost on my way..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..Moto Design -The Queen ..▒▓
Xander Dav:
Xander Dav:
▓▒..listening my music..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..day, night does not exist..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..Motodesign Giger-AZ..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..nice little walk with my faithful friend..▒▓