Xander Dav:
▓▒..let me know..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒ ..winter is felt..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒ ..Hands in the air..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..Toi qui me suit partout, qui m'évade quand j'en ai besoin, d'un son qui ronronne comme je les aime, à travers les chemins, nous formont qu'un..▒▓
Xander Dav:
Xander Dav:
▓▒..un moment de flottement..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..Take a direction and do not turn around, leave the past Life is always moving forward A light will appear one day at the end of the tunnel, Keep smiling and thank you that you have eyes to see..▒▓
Xander Dav:
Xander Dav:
▓▒..Iron craft..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..You can cry..▒▓
Xander Dav:
▓▒..west in my head..▒▓