dav: Akihabara "Electric Town"
dav: dcp03821
dav: Mie's office near Hibiya park.
dav: At the top of some skyscraper with Danzig's entoura
dav: Mie's office
dav: Danzig and I
dav: A small artists' bar.
dav: dcp03808
dav: dcp03809
dav: Tsukiji market
dav: Tsukiji market octopus bins
dav: dcp03812
dav: A very large mound of styrofoam fish-packing boxes
dav: Mt Fuji sunset from Mie's apartment
dav: Mt Fuji sunset
dav: Rental car guy explains the Navigation system.
dav: start of the hike to Sandogoya Hotsprings
dav: dcp03825
dav: dcp03826
dav: dcp03827
dav: dcp03828
dav: dcp03829
dav: Finally, civilization :)
dav: Sandogoya Ryokan
dav: dcp03832
dav: Dinner was simple too, but good.
dav: dcp03835
dav: dcp03836
dav: dcp03837
dav: The hike back