Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
1.) two MH-65 Dolphin Helicopters inbound 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
2.) two MH-65 Dolphin Helicopters inbound 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
3.) two MH-65 Dolphin Helicopters inbound 3
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
4.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter inbound 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
5.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter inbound 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
6.) two MH-65 Dolphin Helicopters inbound 4
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
7.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter circles over Alcatraz Island 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
8.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter circles over Alcatraz Island 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
9.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter circles over Alcatraz Island 3
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
10.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter circles over Alcatraz Island 4
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
12.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter circles over Alcatraz Island 6
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
11.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter circles over Alcatraz Island 5
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
13.) an MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter circles over Alcatraz Island 7
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
15.) a MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter & Brown Pelicans 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
14.) a MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter & Brown Pelicans 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
16.) a MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter gets into position to drop a diver
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
17.) a MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter in hover mode
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
18.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter ready to drop the swimmer
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
20.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter dropped a swimmer 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
19.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter dropped a swimmer 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
21.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter waiting for the swimmer 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
22.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter waiting for the swimmer 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
23.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter waiting for the swimmer 3
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
24.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter hoisting the swimmer up 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
25.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter hoisting the swimmer up 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
26.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter hoisting the swimmer up 3
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
27.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter hoisting the swimmer up 4
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
28.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter hoisting the swimmer up 5
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
29.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter hoisting the swimmer up 6
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
30.) the first MH-65 Dolphin Helicopter hoisting the swimmer up 7