Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
1.) birds on the water 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
2.) birds on the water 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
3.) birds on the water 3
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
4.) birds on the water 4
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
5.) transitions
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
7.) taking flight 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
6.) taking flight 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
8.) taking flight 3
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
10.) single file flying
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
9.) the flight line
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
11.) departure time
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
12.) thickly flying crowd
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
13.) under the crane
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
14.) jango grafitti
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
15.) San Mateo Bridge collage
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
16.) speedboat
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
17.) green gem; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
18.) on the tip; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
19.) green shimmer; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
20.) Mimosa flower; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
22.) shadowed face; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
21.) balancing; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
23.) green facets; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
24.) textured water
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
25.) way up high; Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte anna)
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
26.) the cool thing
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
27.) primal explorations
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
28.) family time
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
29.) crab seekers
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm:
30.) crab searchers