Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: fishing on the edge
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: passing the torch 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: passing the torch 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: American Avocets on one leg
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: perfect balance
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: three Canada Geese in flight
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: American Avocets among the Pickleweed
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: through the crane
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: Stella Rosa in the sky
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: fishing on the SF Bay
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: unhatched Goose Egg
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: through the eyes of the beholder
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: A Quarter & A Goose Egg
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: rusted focus 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: rusted focus 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: through the gap
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: bay to hills
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: California Lilac
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: A field of gold 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: A field of gold 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: Red-Wing Blackbird atop bush 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: Red-Wing Blackbird in flight 2
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: Red-Wing Blackbird in flight 1
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: Red-Wing Blackbird in flight 3
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: Red-Wing Blackbird in flight 4
Dashiell Merrick-Kamm: Red-Wing Blackbird atop bush 2