Dash Drum: Photo
Dash Drum: Our hotel in Dublin
Dash Drum: Flew over the tip of Greenland
Dash Drum: Peeking through the Reconciliation Door at St. Patrick's Cathedral
Dash Drum: Nice pair
Dash Drum: O'Connell's Bar
Dash Drum: Lecturn at St. Patrick's Cathedral
Dash Drum: Trinity College Quad
Dash Drum: I was politely chastised by a priest for wearing my hat in St. Patrick's Cathedral. A short while later, the hat was blown off my head when we were in the open air seats of the double-decker tour bus. Luckily, I was able to hop off a couple blocks down an
Dash Drum: Connor Pass Buds
Dash Drum: Having lunch at the ancestral home of Barack Obama
Dash Drum: View of Dingle and the bay from Carhoo Hill at Eask Tower.
Dash Drum: Not ewe again!
Dash Drum: I climbed a mountain to see this 19th century tower outside Dingle. The view was outstanding! Eask Tower
Dash Drum: Church at Kilmakedar. 12th century
Dash Drum: Gallons Oratory
Dash Drum: Why, indeed
Dash Drum: Dingle Harbour
Dash Drum: Beer delivery by forklift - backwards down a one way street.
Dash Drum: Our room is above the barber shop
Dash Drum: The Burren
Dash Drum: Dinguaire Castle
Dash Drum: Lunch with Naisoe Photo by @gentryart
Dash Drum: Hawk Walk
Dash Drum: St. Mary's Church, Cong, IE
Dash Drum: Spanish Arch - Galway
Dash Drum: Our B&B room in Galway
Dash Drum: We flew over Ireland and Britain to get to Paris.
Dash Drum: Enjoying the scenery on Irish Rail