D A Scott: Erosion
D A Scott: The Himalayas
D A Scott: A break in the clouds
D A Scott: Confluence
D A Scott: Colours of Ladakh
D A Scott: Preparing for Puja
D A Scott: Lamayuru prayer wheels
D A Scott: A prayer in the shadows
D A Scott: Singing from the same hymnbook
D A Scott: Looking out
D A Scott: Lamayuru monastery
D A Scott: Stupas at Lamayuru
D A Scott: Mani stones
D A Scott: The lamp bearer
D A Scott: Closing time at Lamayuru monastery
D A Scott: Dreadlocked monk
D A Scott: Green mountain
D A Scott: Ladakh landscape
D A Scott: Lamayuru from above
D A Scott: Lamayuru
D A Scott: Basgo Monastery
D A Scott: Altar
D A Scott: Butter lamps
D A Scott: View from Thiksey monastery
D A Scott: Maitreya Buddha at Thiksey Monastery
D A Scott: Thiksey monastery courtyard
D A Scott: Monk at Thiksey Monastery
D A Scott: View from Thiksey monastery
D A Scott: Thiksey Monastery
D A Scott: Ladhaki lady