das_miller: Up to no good
das_miller: Dark squirrel background
das_miller: Heron chicks are rebellious teenagers
das_miller: Clearwater dusk
das_miller: Black Skimmer cruising over the beach
das_miller: Confrontational red knot
das_miller: Nervous turnstone
das_miller: Osprey close flyby
das_miller: Red-bellied woodpecker
das_miller: Alligator Lurking
das_miller: Little Blue
das_miller: Roseate spoonbill
das_miller: Noisy Gator
das_miller: Barred owl, bad light
das_miller: Red-shouldered hawk, heroic pose
das_miller: Juvenile Caracara
das_miller: Mini-deer
das_miller: Pileated Woodpecker feeding the hatchlings
das_miller: Lurking in the reeds . . .
das_miller: Anhinga keeping watch
das_miller: Dragonfly inflight
das_miller: Wood storks on their way
das_miller: Cattle egret fly-by
das_miller: It troubles me
das_miller: Ready to go!
das_miller: Agama peeking over a rock
das_miller: Northern Curlytail
das_miller: Female agama