das_miller: Sunset at Bosque Del Apache
das_miller: The usual Bryce Canyon shot
das_miller: Bryce looks better in the snow
das_miller: Say's Phoebe background
das_miller: White-Tailed Antelope Squirrel
das_miller: Bighorns chillin'
das_miller: The Evil Cardinal
das_miller: Black-Tailed Gnatcatcher
das_miller: Moorhen no longer
das_miller: The coyote's after you
das_miller: My first wild turkey!
das_miller: Hermit Thrush near Sedona
das_miller: If I had to stick my head in icewater to get food, I'd be skinny too.
das_miller: Crane Conflict
das_miller: Snow Geese Taking Off
das_miller: Valley of Fire
das_miller: Something's Happening!