das_miller: Corn Statues in the Snow
das_miller: Dancing with the Moai
das_miller: Artificial Mystery Flavor
das_miller: Statues of Corn, Dublin Ohio
das_miller: A Dangerous Tool
das_miller: Zebra Beetle
das_miller: Does your horse take 3-way bulbs?
das_miller: Self-portrait #1
das_miller: Maybe the artist is passionate about stationery supplies
das_miller: Misplaced angel
das_miller: Your hair should make a statement
das_miller: The Eye Of Ra
das_miller: Salvation Mountain interior
das_miller: Climbing Salvation Mountain
das_miller: Here there be dragons!
das_miller: A tense encounter
das_miller: Half of Flowing Kiss
das_miller: More PV street art
das_miller: Eggplant sculpture?
das_miller: It's Art
das_miller: No Regrets
das_miller: Even less comfortable than the original
das_miller: Gotta respect . . .
das_miller: Mono Lake Landscape