Daryl Luk: Foliage in Vermont
Daryl Luk: Boston Foggy Seaport
Daryl Luk: 9F9A8676-craw5
Daryl Luk: 9F9A8549-craw5
Daryl Luk: Vatican City seems to be always so crowded except before dawn when you are actually sense the harmony and peacefulness.
Daryl Luk: Ponte Sant'Angelo over Tiber River
Daryl Luk: Once upon a time in Venice
Daryl Luk: 一山一水,一草一石之間,皆可遁入一種境界
Daryl Luk: 茫茫天地之間的無邊無際無著落
Daryl Luk: Sunrise at Maine Portland Head Lighthouse
Daryl Luk: Group dance
Daryl Luk: Wellesley College Morning Run
Daryl Luk: 驚濤拍岸,捲起千堆雪
Daryl Luk: Cuba family
Daryl Luk: 如詩如畫,如夢如幻,如煙如紗,如真如假
Daryl Luk: 中環蓮香樓的茶水師傅
Daryl Luk: Under the spell of your beauty
Daryl Luk: I was lost in your garden