Daryl Luk: 天地與我
Daryl Luk: 萬徑人蹤滅
Daryl Luk: 繽紛落英,忘了路遠近。
Daryl Luk: Standing Tall
Daryl Luk: 情未鳥分飛,天各一方,一隻心傷,一隻斷腸
Daryl Luk: 夕阳无限好
Daryl Luk: 我來到妳的城市,走過妳來時的路
Daryl Luk: The Adventurous
Daryl Luk: 櫻花底下的DC早晨
Daryl Luk: 白雪在妳歲月的皺紋上薄薄的補了個妝
Daryl Luk: Week 32 群雁飛
Daryl Luk: 2017-06-18 D169 當許多個無限短的瞬間被壓縮成一個時間點的時候,過去,現在,未來都將會變得沒有什麼意義。假如可以當一個時間的旁觀者,可能會發現一切的紛擾都會消失,然後只剩下無邊無際的静谧。
Daryl Luk: 攀登
Daryl Luk: 太極俠女
Daryl Luk: 八萬四千問語錄
Daryl Luk: The train is taking off, going to the place that is further than the furthest. 列車就要出發,開去比遠更遠的地方
Daryl Luk: Week 1: Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. - Jim Rohn
Daryl Luk: CI8A9787-s
Daryl Luk: Boston seaport
Daryl Luk: 挫其銳,解其紛,和其光,同其塵。
Daryl Luk: “Sometimes I feel like my only friend is the City I live in…” – Red Hot Chili Peppers
Daryl Luk: 2018/9/2 D245 Burning Man Sunset Rider
Daryl Luk: 2018/05/06 D126 羊群
Daryl Luk: 2018/04/30 D120 人間仙境 The Chapel Vitaleta
Daryl Luk: 2018/04/29 D119 無邊無際無牽無掛無著落
Daryl Luk: Fish market in Hong Kong