Daryl Luk: Week 1 Encounter
Daryl Luk: Week 2 燎原
Daryl Luk: Week 3 總會有個人,讓妳不停的想看到他發給妳的短信
Daryl Luk: Week 4 來自星星的她
Daryl Luk: Week 5 旺角站
Daryl Luk: Week 6 狗不理 - 別拿我當模特
Daryl Luk: Week 7 清潔工人
Daryl Luk: Week 8 有些緣份一輩子只有一次
Daryl Luk: Week 9 Youth Entrepreneurial Contest
Daryl Luk: Week 10 老師的風采
Daryl Luk: Week 11 黄河大合唱小提琴家
Daryl Luk: Week 12 秋雪
Daryl Luk: Week 13 問候一句你好嗎?
Daryl Luk: Week 14 情未鳥分飛,天各一方,一隻心傷,一隻斷腸
Daryl Luk: Week 15 Movember Week
Daryl Luk: Week 16 一碗麵
Daryl Luk: Week 24 Morning Practice
Daryl Luk: Week 27 狗仔隊
Daryl Luk: Week 28 冰封荷塘,雪掩大地,我還是會在橋頭等妳
Daryl Luk: Week 29 茶道 沏的是耐性,聞的是感激,品的是修養
Daryl Luk: Week 30 只是因為在人群中多看你一眼
Daryl Luk: Week 30 Reporters getting ready in position
Daryl Luk: Week 34 How to make plank more interesting and productive...