Darwin Bell: Sunburst
Darwin Bell: Parking Color
Darwin Bell: different strokes
Darwin Bell: The Rotunda Room
Darwin Bell: Lavendar for Mama
Darwin Bell: Baubles and beads
Darwin Bell: twilight
Darwin Bell: cock eyed
Darwin Bell: kitchen abstract
Darwin Bell: Pin cushion
Darwin Bell: Open for business
Darwin Bell: Iced Tea with mom
Darwin Bell: play that funky music
Darwin Bell: color blocked
Darwin Bell: Away at...
Darwin Bell: Cocktail on top of the world
Darwin Bell: bikealike
Darwin Bell: Epic
Darwin Bell: bright, bright sunshiney day
Darwin Bell: crispy along the edges
Darwin Bell: the harsh beauty of decay
Darwin Bell: off kilter smirk
Darwin Bell: good morning, sunshine
Darwin Bell: Have a golden holiday!
Darwin Bell: the autumn leaves...
Darwin Bell: Photo Obscura
Darwin Bell: lovely lashes
Darwin Bell: emergence
Darwin Bell: Flourescent Family Values
Darwin Bell: ...bees do it...