Dartmoor Mike: Aberdeen Angus Steers
Dartmoor Mike: Lundy Beef
Dartmoor Mike: Dartmoor Life
Dartmoor Mike: Standing Proud
Dartmoor Mike: Lundy's Boris and Quarry Cottages
Dartmoor Mike: Lundy Highlander!
Dartmoor Mike: Lundy Life
Dartmoor Mike: Scratchin'
Dartmoor Mike: The Highlands of Lundy
Dartmoor Mike: New Year's day on Lundy Island
Dartmoor Mike: Get Off My Land!
Dartmoor Mike: Dartmoor Traffic Jam
Dartmoor Mike: It's Raining Again!
Dartmoor Mike: Grumpy Cow!!
Dartmoor Mike: Young Beltie
Dartmoor Mike: Moove!!