MarcVibbert: Shed some light..
MarcVibbert: Laptop
MarcVibbert: "Short Film" now on your iPod
MarcVibbert: Self 1
MarcVibbert: Self 2
MarcVibbert: Supermarc 2
MarcVibbert: Supermarc 1
MarcVibbert: Me, Myself, & I
MarcVibbert: Nachoooooooooooooo!
MarcVibbert: Super Guys
MarcVibbert: Father & Son
MarcVibbert: Clark Kent & Superman
MarcVibbert: Marc as Superman
MarcVibbert: In Between Takes
MarcVibbert: "Same Exact Type Thing"
MarcVibbert: Graphic Novel Marc
MarcVibbert: Andy Warhol
MarcVibbert: Down the Barrel of a Gun
MarcVibbert: Drinks