darthmaus: Statue
darthmaus: Statue
darthmaus: Dude, there's something on your shirt.
darthmaus: Poke
darthmaus: Torso
darthmaus: Sausage toes
darthmaus: Fabric draping
darthmaus: Got your nose!
darthmaus: Is this my best side?
darthmaus: Offering
darthmaus: Walk like an Egyptian
darthmaus: Beatific
darthmaus: Stone cold
darthmaus: Dragon thing
darthmaus: Winged horse thing
darthmaus: Mythical god of hell
darthmaus: U of T
darthmaus: U of T
darthmaus: U of T
darthmaus: U of T
darthmaus: U of T
darthmaus: U of T
darthmaus: Out the window
darthmaus: IMGP3861.JPG
darthmaus: Noodles
darthmaus: K at Cafe 668
darthmaus: Vegetarian Wonton Soup
darthmaus: K at Cafe 668
darthmaus: K at Cafe 668
darthmaus: K at Cafe 668