Dart Johnson Photography: Erechtheion Caryatid - Acropolis, Athens - 5257
Dart Johnson Photography: Erechtheion Caryatid, Acropolis, Athens - 5333
Dart Johnson Photography: Acropolis, Athens - 4941
Dart Johnson Photography: Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens - 4947
Dart Johnson Photography: Erechtheion Caryatid, Acropolis, Athens - 5442
Dart Johnson Photography: Acropolis, Athens - 5533
Dart Johnson Photography: Acropolis, Athens - 5730
Dart Johnson Photography: Athens-balcony-9266
Dart Johnson Photography: Athens-graffiti-screen-9293
Dart Johnson Photography: Athens-graffiti-screen-9294
Dart Johnson Photography: Athens-Mattonella Gelato-9262
Dart Johnson Photography: Athens-Mattonello gelato-9273
Dart Johnson Photography: Aegeon Sea, Patmos - 4325
Dart Johnson Photography: Patmos, Greece - 3702_3756
Dart Johnson Photography: Patmos, Aegeon Sea Harbor, Greece - 3939
Dart Johnson Photography: Aegeon Sea - Patmos, Greece - 3756
Dart Johnson Photography: Monastery of Saint John the Theologian, Patmos - 3972
Dart Johnson Photography: Patmos, Sacred Cave of the Apocalypse - Vera - 3835
Dart Johnson Photography: Patmos - Sacred Cave of the Apocalypse - Greece - 3824